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(S) Paper Ranger

Date : 17th of November 2018

CAS Learning Outcomes :

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Last year, I’ve visited Paper Ranger with the members of environmental club called “Greenhawks” in our school. This year, I visited Paper Ranger again, as a BYB Trip from 2018 SerVICE Conference. I really like the purpose of Paper Ranger, which is to provide notebooks for the children who are not able to afford them. By providing our handmade notebooks to those children, we were giving them opportunity to be educated with a sufficient amount of materials. Students who participated in Paper Ranger were given time to learn a method to make notebooks with reusable paper. Although I’ve been to Paper Ranger once, the method used to make notebooks were still complicated to me, because it had been a year since the first visit to Paper Ranger. However, as more and more notebooks are produced by me, I could make it without the help of the others. Paper Ranger may sound boring to some people because the work just looks like a simple and repeated work. However, producing notebooks are not the only activity we could do. We were also given time to draw what we want to draw on the book cover. Therefore, the notebooks produced by each one of the participants were different from the others. This feature of Paper Ranger helped each notebooks to have a unique creator’s drawing. If I have a chance to participate in Paper Ranger again, I am definitely willing to help the children again by producing the notebooks.


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