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(S) Wells Helping Paws Booth

Date : 18th of November 2018

CAS Learning Outcomes :

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

During 2018 ServICE Conference at American School of Bangkok, my friends and I were given chance to hold an NGO booth. As a member of the “Wells Helping Paws” club in our school, I participated in booth session to help two WHP leaders—Su and Soohee. WHP mainly supports the NGO called “PAWS” in Bangkok, which provides free and low-cost spay/neuter and veterinary health services with the goal of creating a smaller and healthier street animal population (click here to visit PAWS Bangkok twitter page). In the booth, we sold different Wells Helping Paws stickers and t-shirts to the students from other international schools. By holding the booth, we were able to let the people know more about the NGO “PAWS”. Our main purpose of holding this booth was to promote the NGO, because we believed that having more supporters in this NGO will definitely bring positive impacts on the global issue we are engaged in. Two WHP leaders and I worked collaboratively to achieve our goal as much as we can by holding the booth. It was a very valuable time to promote PAWS and interact with the people who have similar interest with us.


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