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(A) 2019 Sports Day

Updated: Oct 29, 2019

Date : 3rd of April 2019

CAS Learning Outcomes:

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Sports Day is one of our school’s biggest events where students are teamed with their classmates and the class who gets the most points in total becomes the winner of the year’s Sports Day. Sports Day consists of a variety of activities, such as football, volleyball, basketball, dodgeball, and relay-running. Since I am a member of the school football team, I chose to play in football games. However, I had no choice but I had to play as a goalkeeper in the games. Since I’ve been playing as a midfielder in our school’s varsity football team, I challenged myself to try goalkeeper and do my best in what I am not good at. I am very confident in intercepting balls and taking the ball out from the opponent. But as a goalkeeper, I just had to stay in a limited area where I have no choice of attacking but just defending. Although I was under pressure at goalkeeper’s position, there were other players who helped me defending together. Including myself, each one of the players did a great job in their position and worked collaboratively, which eventually led our team to be the winner of the football game in Sports Day. Other classmates who didn’t play football cheer our team, which also proved that our class worked cooperatively in Sports Day.


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