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(A) Track and Field

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

Date : 29th of November, 2018

Leraning Outcomes:

1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

Track and Field is an annual event hosted for students in Bangkok, where numbers of students participate different track and field events such as long jump, high jump, Javelin throw, shot puts, running, etc. Among various track and field events, I chose to attend 200 m running, because running was the most confident sport among all those events. As this year was the first time participating in the competition, I was a little bit afraid that I get poor results at the end of the event. However, I just chose to believe in my ability of running and try to pour all my energy into the event. Since 200m was comparatively short distance among other running events, I've put all my energy from the beginning of the race. As the race progresses, my speed became slower and slower, which led another player to overtake me. Eventually, I placed 4th place among five players. Although it was an unsatisfactory result, I put meaning on the fact that I tried my best and challenge myself to the environment where I'm not familiar with. After the competition, I could notice that my physical strength markedly decreased compared to past years, which helped me realize the importance of exercising regularly.


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