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(A) Vietnam ASAC Tournament

Date : 29th-31st of March 2019

CAS Learning Outcomes :

1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Although I was a member of the school football team since 2016 and participated in many different games and tournaments, Vietnam ASAC Tournament was the first football game I played abroad with my team. Since it was the first time playing outside of Thailand, I felt more nervous than ever before. However, I was able to overcome this feeling of anxiety because of my team members, who are my friends as well. Compare to other schools which participated in the tournament, our school had very less players. This meant each one of our team members had to run longer than players from the other schools. Since I was confident with my speed of running, I wanted to maximize my ability of running to bring good results. As my position in the team was a midfielder, I definitely had to keep my speed fast throughout the game in order to both defend and attack. I was a person who gets tired easily and has less stamina, but I couldn’t give up running during the game just because I was tired. Even though there were a lot of times I wanted to give up and stop running, as a member of the team, I was responsible for my position and my role in the game. At the end of the each game, no matter which team wins or loses, I could always feel my skills are developing.

Overall, we’ve got a third place in the tournament, but the ranking was not important for us. Overcoming difficulties we faced and doing our best were the real important points. Participating in Vietnam ASAC Tournament would be long remembered, because it was the time I felt the most sense of accomplishment. During the game, I kept on learning new skills and developing existing skills, which helped me in becoming a more challenging and stable player.


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