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(C) Origami Workshop

Date : 20th of December 2018

CAS Learning Outcomes :

3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

In our school, there is a week called “Wells Without Walls” at the end of each semester where students have opportunities to participate in different workshops, and also hold different workshops they are interested in. During the week of Wells Without Walls, I decided to hold an Origami Workshop with three other classmates. We wanted to have an activity that can maximize our known skills and what young children would enjoy doing it. Through meetings and brainstorming, we came up with an activity called origami, which is a craft of folding paper to make models of any figures. Since most of the workshop members are familiar with origami, there were not much of difficulties in learning methods of creating different figures. With a help of Youtube, we found out creating a small Christmas tree. On the day of workshop, we showed how to create a small Christmas tree figure step by step to the fifth-grade students. Before starting this workshop, we were a little bit worried if the children are not interested in our workshop and also, worried if we can teach well in front of the children. However, every single one of them enjoyed our workshop that I thought the workshop was a worthwhile thing to do.


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